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Christmas: a time to celebrate or a time to cope with?


As we head into December, the days get darker and you start to see the Christmas lights being put up. The Christmas tree is being decorated and you start to receive all the invitations for Christmas parties and dinners. As great as it is to be busy, it isn’t great for consistency.

Why do I feel stressed?

For most of us, we got into sports as a way to release stress. It makes us happy. Don’t be afraid to prioritise yourself over the holiday season. If that means you want to go out for a run, do it! But if that means you want to take a break, that’s perfectly fine too! Often we receive backlash from family and friends for training or not training over the holidays simply because of a lack of understanding rather than lack of caring. Sometimes all it takes is a conversation explaining your reasoning. Communication is key in any good quality relationship after all!

Is it okay to take a break?

Yes! Many athletes, pros and amateurs, take a break over the Christmas period. You may loose a little bit of fitness but taking a  week or two off isn’t going to derail all you have worked foe in the past years. Often enough, it can help you recover, prevent burnout and make you more consistent in the long run.

How do I cope with the stress and guilt of not training at all or as much?

Reframe the situation: Not training gives you the time and opportunity to socialise and prioritise other things you may have had to sacrifice over the year.

Accept the thoughts and emotions: Feeling the emotions and allowing them to come and go is key. This doesn’t mean letting them dictate your behaviour and keep you from living by your values, but it’s about letting them be present and continue to live by your values. If you struggle with this, drop me an email and we can have a chat.

Keep yourself busy: Doing activities you enjoy with people you love contributes to making you feel like you are using your time in a meaningful way. It also limits your time to overthink.

Some things to consider

Overall, Christmas time is one of the most joyful times of the year. But, it can also become stressful as our routine changes.

My key tips for the Christmas season

  1. Figure out what is stressing you out and write it down

  2. Talk about it, the worst you can do it bottle it up

  3. Don’t be afraid to prioritise yourself too

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